Erickson Beamon-Jewelry

Erickson Beamon is the creation of Karen Erickson and Vicki Beamon. Their staples include giant brooches, chandelier earrings, and layered and asymmetrical necklaces. Their jewelry can take on a punk theme with chains, spikes, and metals as well as a feminine theme with colored jewels, floral shapes, and radiating brooches. Erickson Beamon jewelry is always ornate and attention-grabbing!

Custom Erickson Beamon designs can be spotted in runway shows like Givenchy, Dior, and Chanel as well as on celebrities. Most recently Lady Gaga and Michelle Obama have been seen spotting Erickson Beamon on multiple occasions. Erickson Beamon has also created chandeliers, an eyewear line, and collaborated with Target.

‘Mehemet Ali’-Louis Charles Auguste Couder

We learned about Muhammad  (Or ,Mehemet) Ali Pasha in AP European History this year. Today I stumbled across this nice painting of him by Louis Charles Auguste Couder. I love the brightness of his turban as well as the realism of his beard.

Muhammad Ali Pasha was an Albanian who was the Wali, or Ottoman governor, to Egypt and Sudan from 1769-1849. He later declared himself the Khedive, or viceroy, of Egypt and Sudan. He is considered the founder of modern Egypt because of his military, economic, and cultural reforms. The dynasty he established ruled Egypt and Sudan until the Egyptian Revolution of 1852.

Bibhu Mohapatra- Fashion Designer

Bibhu Mohapatra is an Indian-American fashion designer. He attended F.I.T. and worked at Halston and J. Mendel before forming his own line. Mohapatra’s creations have been worn by Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchet, and Sienna Miller. His designs contain brilliant colors, cuts, and texture.

Chitra Ganesh-Mixed Media

Ganesh, who shares the name of my favorite Hindu God, is an artist from New York. She studied literature and art at Brown and Colombia and now creates paintings, mixed media pieces, installations, photo-based work, digital collages, and text-based work. Her work is filled with Hindu iconography, eyeballs, hookahs, sexuality, long braids, and blood.  Ganesh’s work sounds creepy, and some of it certainly is! However she is extremely well received in the art world.

Jen Stark-Sculpture

Jen Stark creates colorful wall-mounted sculptures mainly out of  colored construction paper. Other materials used are wood, metallic paper,acrylic paints, and also does animations and illustrations. Her inspirations come from mutations that life undergoes during the evolutionary process. All of the paper shapes she creates are cut by hand, no computer modeling is used!